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take the bayonet course
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take Nebuchadnezzar out to grass
take ol' stiff neck to the movies
Take one for the team
take one's bed
take one's pleasure
take one's snake for a gallop
take oneself in hand
take out insurance
take out the trash
take precedence
take somebody on
take somebody's pulse
take someone
take someone or something for granted
take someone to bed
take something with a grain of salt
take the fall
take the fatal jump
take the fatal leap
take the fatal step
take the final step
take the Hershey highway
take the high dive
take the meat out
take the old fall
take the plunge
take the sheet
take the starch out of
take the vows
take the wind out of another's sails
take to
take ol' stiff neck to the movies
Take one for the team
take one's bed
take one's pleasure
take one's snake for a gallop
take oneself in hand
take out insurance
take out the trash
take precedence
take somebody on
take somebody's pulse
take someone
take someone or something for granted
take someone to bed
take something with a grain of salt
take the bayonet course
take the dog for a walktake the fall
take the fatal jump
take the fatal leap
take the fatal step
take the final step
take the Hershey highway
take the high dive
take the meat out
take the old fall
take the plunge
take the sheet
take the starch out of
take the vows
take the wind out of another's sails
take to